Well, it started good...
A few things would've made this better.... one would be sound effects, two would be more story a less.... abrupt ending....
A little more polish on it and I think this might be a good video.
Well, it started good...
A few things would've made this better.... one would be sound effects, two would be more story a less.... abrupt ending....
A little more polish on it and I think this might be a good video.
Holy....crap.... XD
Never have I seen such ludicrous randomness in.... mah lief! Seriously, that was annoyingly funny. (That's a good thing.) The only thing I didn't li---- JO'Z HERE!
(Random video, random review. I seriously dunno what to say in terms of reviewing. Whatever you did, keep at it!)
Anybody else notice in the first scene, at one point Mario's head changes to Cosby's? XD I just noticed.
Anyways, awesome stuff here, man!
Go for it.
This sounds like a cool idea... although, I'd work on the spelling. XP Like, you spelled "their" with "there" and "You're" with "Your" (Just poking at ya, dude.)
This was okay, but the choppyness really takes away from it. Basically, just work on the animations, though, and it'd be pretty good, but for now... ehhhh....
Still, this isn't bad, keep at it!
It's kinda true. XD
This is not only a bit true here on NG, but just about ANYWHERE. XD
Falcon Pawnch!
This was a pretty good animation, although nothing too new. But, what really made it for me is when he hits him and he comes back around the world (I think) and.... Falcon PAWNCH! That.... is what made it for me. XD Nice one!
Can't hear anything...
I'm assuming this is supposed to have sound, but I can't hear anything. :/ It's probably because you don't have a preloader to load the clip up first.
Fix that and it might be better. ^^; I'll be nice to you and give you a six, for now.
It was kinda funny... kinda.
This gave me a couple laughs, with the teacher taking an axe to the frog and all and... a roaring cobra. The couple things that were no good was... the voice over for the first teacher was highly annoying, unless you was going for that. The movie is a bit of an eyesore. And you had a couple grammar errors, other than the ones on purpose. (You spelled "know" with "no" ^^;)
Anyways, blah, blah, blah. Keep at it!
thanks alot :D
Thanks for stopping by! 🖤💜🤍
Shine on and burn out bright! ✝️
Joined on 6/6/08