It's pretty good so far! Dodging is really frustrating as it is, as it requires extremely precise timing and you have to dodge... at least from what I can see, as soon as it hits. Maybe it's just me, but my instincts tell me to dodge just before and I can't seem to unprogram that from my mind. Maybe it's just the robot boss, though, because that's the point that seemed to be frustrating. I think completely removing the dodge cooldown would make things a lot better there, so it's more rewarding to have good timing. Also, I love the speed of the game, but the character movement is almost TOO fast. Jumping doesn't have that much hangtime, for instance and holy crap, I don't know I'm dead until five second after I do the camera and environment moves so quick. The combat is pretty fun outside of that. Music is good, visuals are a bit overwhelming at times, but still very good. The sound cues are GREAT, like when collecting your health pips. It has a lot of potential! Hope to see more soon!
EDIT: Found the easter egg. :P Can't help 'em. No idea.